How Bolt Comes to My Rescue

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have a little guy named Bolt. He is a jack russell/boston terrier mix and I don't know what shape I would be in without him. I have always loved dogs, but never had one in my home until I was in high school. The dog my parents brought home was a wonderful addition and I love him to this day, but his existence didn't chance my life at all. My Dad also had a few dogs come and go over the years, though not seeing him all that often just made them cuddly playmates. However Bolt.... well he means so much to me and my husband.

Being a new year, I have started thinking about 2010 and how it was exceptionally difficult. There were many times I wanted to just give up on everything. When I felt worthless in life. When my husband and I would argue or feel down right depressed. As I've been looking back, I realized that there were so many instances where Bolt came to our rescue. No, I wasn't Little Timmy stuck in a long dark pit, but my emotions might as well have been. And Bolt knew just what to do! He licked me incessantly until I realized he was trying to give me kisses. He cuddled up and made me feel warm and loved when I all I really felt was alone. He brought me his favorite toy to squeak and throw so that I could have some fun playing. And he just plain did silly things that made me laugh out loud, even when I had been crying. There were many times his constant positive nature paired next to his contentment with simplicity caused me to look at life in different ways.

I know some of you may be thinking "it's just a dog; a pet." And I'm inclined to agree with you. However, I believe God has used my little pet this past year to help me cope with seemingly hopeless situations. My husband and I had wanted a dog for a very long time but we didn't feel the time was right until just before things began their downward spiral. We have always trusted in God to provide for us in ways we can't provide for ourselves. And during this past year that we have had Bolt, God has provided a way to endure this wilderness we are in. I hope your pet can be the same for you.

Don't have a dog or some other pet? I recommend a trip to your local pound. Though it may make you feel a little sad at first - for you can't take all those sad faces home with you - you just may find one you can. And it has already made you feel better! Now you have a companion and just think.... you saved it's life. Doesn't that feel good?


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